For BBL Building Company, safety is the heart of our culture. Protecting our people – our employees, our subcontractors, our customers, and anyone else on site – is priority one.
Therefore, we strive for complete immersion in our safety culture and our goal is to make safety the focus of every project and every individual job task. We take care and watch out for each other, so that every team member returns home safe to their family each day.
For this reason, BBLbc has established a comprehensive safety program focused on daily reinforcement, ongoing training, inspection, and accountability, and provides guidelines to comply with the Occupation Safety and Health Act (OSHA), federal, state, and local safety codes, and our supplemental safety policies.
The most significant thing we do every day is to make certain everyone gets home safely.
An injury-free environment means fewer lost days, fewer delays, and less impact on the overall schedule. The results of our safety program are easily measured – we consistently boast one of the lowest Workers Compensation experience modification ratios (EMR) in the industry.